
A casual friend of mine recently read my book, My Life Rearranged, and left this lovely comment on my email: “I am really shocked at how many years you were a caregiver and realize your time now must seem like a gift.” I hadn’t really though about it, as I was just simply glad […]

Caregiving Again

Yesterday I took my son to out-patient surgery for his foot because his wife was busy with a school trip. As I sat in the waiting room, it reminded me of my previous caregiving days and the hours I logged in doctor offices, hospitals, and surgery centers. This time it was different – I […]

Holidays & Caregivers

Another holiday has rolled around and before we know it, it will be Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. While holidays can be a great time to be with families and friends, for caregivers it is often a time of added stress. It need not be that way as this is […]

Meeting Other Caregivers

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting other caregivers at The San Diego Tribune Caregivers Expo. The majority of caregivers I met were Alzheimer Caregivers as I was there with my book, My Life Rearranged, about caring for my husband who had early-onset-Alzheimer’s. However, I met a few others dealing with Parkinson’s, which has […]

Hooray for “The Good Enough Caregiver”.

Last week I ended by mentioning the “good enough caregiver”. It’s an idea or concept I discovered well into my caregiving days. In the beginning of my husband’s diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s, I was determined and sure I could beat the whole thing, by being the perfect caregiver. I researched the illness, signed him […]

Caregiving; detrimental to your health.

Caregiving seems like a forever process without a break. Days roll into weeks, that roll into months, that roll into years and sometimes decades. Is it not surprising that caregivers burnout. 21 months into caregiving it is reported that caregivers seek medication for sleep and or headaches; 24- months finds caregivers drained; 32 months […]


As a caregiver, whether in the beginning, middle or end of the journey, one can at times feel as if they are in a cage; this is normal. It can be very difficult to see beyond the, days, months or even years may lie ahead years. Taking it one day at a time is […]

SUNDAYS WITH SUSAN - all about caring for someone with Alzheimer's/Dementia.


I am feeling much better than I did last week when I felt like I was so caught up in things, I had no time for me. Just the small act of blogging last week – something I really wanted to do but never quite got […]

Alzheimer’s Caregiving Is ALL CONSUMING. I am back after a brief respite of being overwhelmed.

Great to be back blogging about Alzheimer’s and reaching out to caregivers. I got all caught up in getting my book out, speaking engagements, marketing, and the list goes on, that I forgot I had a life and there were other things that were also important to me. Just like what happens when we […]

Caregiving Ends – What to Do?

Did you know that one of the biggest hurdles caregivers face when their caregiving ends, is what to do? I know when I was caregiver, this would have made no sense to me because just the thought of some free time would have seemed wonderful. But, it turns out this is not always so, unless […]