Alzheimer's Caregivers Never Have a Free Moment

Welcome to Sundays with Susan…always about Alzheimer’s Caregivers. Sunday is here and the possibilities are endless!!

A walk on the beach, leisurely reading the Sunday paper, yoga, dinner with family, an outing with friends, or simply doing nothing. BUT not if you are an Alzheimer Caregiver; I know that as a former Alzheimer […]

Happy Almost Labor Day1

Caregivers…is Labor Day just another day for you and you think it’s named appropriately ?

Let’s make this Labor Day different. Good chance you are spending it with family & friends. so time to tell them YOU need a break and/or some help. Be good to yourself this Labor Day, by taking a break […]

I am finally blogging!!!!

Hi Alzheimer Caregivers,

After much trepidation and stalling, I am finally blogging. This is a test to see if I can do it. I plan on writing blogs by crisscrossing the various stages as I write since caregivers are not all at the same stage. My goal is to help and support readers and, hopefully, […]

Alzheimer Caregiver Advocate

Posts coming soon!