Sundays with Susan: caregiving thoughts

As I watched Dorian surge towards the eastern shore, having wrecked havoc on the Bahamas, it occurred to me there is a similarity to being a caregiver. I do not want to in any way to diminish what residents endured, but instead, want to draw some parallels.

Like a hurricane, a diagnosis seems to come out of nowhere. There is little time to prepare as caregivers scramble to make sense of the news, adjust, and survive what is coming. Then comes the wrath of the diagnosis, inflicting fear and chaos while one waits to see their new reality. Shortly after that, but what in actuality seems like forever, the picking up the pieces phase is entered as caregivers are called upon to adjust to their new reality and begin to rebuild their life.

Time passes, a life is slowly rebuilt; different from the former, but nonetheless rebuilt due to the tenacity of the human spirit to face the worst and move on.

Caregivers remains forever changed by the magnitude of their experience, but in the process have become stronger, more compassionate and resilient. Like those who faced Dorian, caregivers are called upon to bring forth every ounce of courage.

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